Partnership Agreements: when should you review yours?
MPFT Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment Requests
BMA Advice and Guidance Update May 2024
NHS Digital GPC Rejected Referral Guidance
BMA The importance of an up to date GP Partnership Agreement
BMA General Practice responsibility in responding to private healthcare
Completing a Medical Certificate of Cause of Death
NHS Digital Online access to GP health records
BMA Fees for driver licensing and the DVLA
BMA Travel medication and vaccinations
BMA responding to private healthcare
BMA GP access: meeting the reasonable needs of patients
BMA Declaring GP earnings over £150,000
BMA Sources of support for your wellbeing
BMA Pushing back on inappropriate workload
BMA Pushing back on workload from secondary care
BMA Prescribing over-the-counter medicines in nurseries and schools
BMA Safe working in General Practice
Sickness certification notes for children
Your Guide to the National Performers Lists Change Notification Process
COVID-19: death certification and cremation
BMA Firearms Licensing Process
New to Partnership Payment Scheme
Coronavirus resources - TWB Staffs & Stoke
Removing Violent Patients and the Special Allocation Scheme
Dealing with abuse of practice staff on social media from patients
Cannabis-based medicinal products